Tunde Fafunwa: Digital identity and a missing DPI ingredient
Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

Tunde Fafunwa: Digital identity and a missing DPI ingredient

In this latest episode, I sit down with Tunde Fafunwa of the World Bank and Kitsokoo and Eleanor Carey of the OECD to talk about the African Union’s new interoperability framework for digital identity and the importance of peer learning to accelerate DPI

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CV Madhukar: Taking an infrastructure approach
Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

CV Madhukar: Taking an infrastructure approach

Embracing shared digital public infrastructure and investing together in digital public goods is key to inclusive growth and innovation at scale. Join Kate and guest researcher, Sarthak Satapathy, as we discuss with C.V. Madhukar, CEO of Co:Develop why taking an infrastructure based approach can prove to be pivotal for countries around the world.

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Robert Opp: Political Tailwinds for Digital
technology, government Kate Wilson technology, government Kate Wilson

Robert Opp: Political Tailwinds for Digital

Robert Opp is the Chief Digital Officer at the UNDP and one of the most insightful thinkers working at the intersection of digital technology, development and governance issues. Join Kate and guest researcher Sarthak Satapathy as they sit down with Rob to learn about the building momentum behind national digital transformation efforts globally and the efforts to promote a digital public infrastructure approach.

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Trailer: Digital Decisions
Kate Wilson Kate Wilson

Trailer: Digital Decisions

Have you ever wondered why it is so easy to order food or a taxi online but so hard to get access to medical records or vote? Well, countries around the world are working to achieve this digital transformation by taking an infrastructure based approach.

Welcome to the Digital Decisions Podcast, where Kate Wilson brings you insightful conversations with global visionaries who are revolutionizing their communities through digital innovation. Join us as we delve into the intricate political landscapes defining what taking a national digital public infrastructure approach means, explore cutting-edge platforms powering digital service delivery across nations, and contemplate the policies needed for responsible data utilization. Join curious and depart feeling inspired, armed with ideas on how to empower your country to craft a more inclusive and fair digital tomorrow.

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